Thursday 15 January 2015

Top 10 Video Games of All Time (Part 1)

Top 10 Video Games of All Time (Part 1)

I’ve never considered myself a hard-core gamer. I don’t play as many video games as some of the people I know. But despite this they keep coming back. I will go through long periods of barely playing and games, even as recently as last summer but the time always comes where a new game comes along, or maybe I’ll replay and old one and I will become as enthralled as ever. Many of us find ourselves more attached to our favourite video game characters than we ever are to movie or television characters. Whether you prefer Mario or Sonic, or whether you see yourself as hardcore or casual, there is no denying the impact they’ve had on today’s society. So here’s my top 10 personal favourites.


I don’t think I can discuss these game properly without spoilers so that’s a spoiler warning. Before I start I’d like to give hounarable mentions to Sly 2 Band of Thieves, Infamous 2 and Super Smash Bros Melee. Now onto the list:


10. Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists of the Roses

Starting off this list is a game that is far more interesting than you would expect at first glance. Set loosely on the events of the war of the roses, you play as a character who must decide whether to side with either Yugi Motou, who is shown as Henry Tudor, head of the Tudor Dynasty or Seto Kaiba, head of the Yorkist’s who assumes the identity of Christian Rosenkreuz. You then set out to defeat many more characters from the original Yu-Gi-Oh anime in order to obtain the precious rose cards.


This game is more like a boardgame than a card game, each duel takes place on a 7 x 7 board. You move you’re cards around the board in order to destroy your opponent’s cards and deplete their life points in order to win. Each player has one monster called a deck leader. This monster acts as a representation of your life points as well as your means to place cards on the board. In this surprisingly complex game you can try to take advantage of different terrain to power up your cards as well as attempt to fuse different monsters together to attempt to form a more powerful one.


While it admittedly isn’t the most balanced game as your opponents will often have boards entirely covered in terrain to power up their monsters and you will sometimes feel like you are just discarding your entire deck until you get those 2 cards that can fuse into something powerful this often makes you have to strategically place your cards and move them intelligently rather than simply attacking outright. Also different opponents will have completely different terrains and they will use completely different strategies, some will be more defensive, some are more offensive, some have only one type of monster while some use a variety. There are many different approaches you can take to each duel with hundreds of cards and strategies to use.


 There is a lot more to this game than a simple recreation of the Yu-Gi-Oh card game. While it is catered more towards fans of Yu-Gi-Oh I had a lot of fun with this game back in the day and it is definitely deserving of a place at number 10. 


9. Batman Arkham Asylum

In this game you play as the Batman, I think that alone deserves a spot on this list. The fun and interesting gameplay, intriguing characters and excellently dark and sometimes creepy atmosphere are hardly worth mentioning.


There were thousands of gamers waiting for years for something to come along to make us feel like Batman. Arkham Asylum did just that. From the slick and free flowing combat to the stealth sections where we can use a group of thugs fear against them we truly feel like the Batman. The combat is simple, one button to attack, one to counter and one to stun. The makes you react quickly to attacks and look for the moment to strike. The stealth sections let you use far as a weapon as Batman uses his surroundings as well as him array of gadgets to take down armed foes. Batman’s gadgets play a key role in traversing the environment as well as for finding the secrets the Riddler has hidden throughout the Asylum plus they can also be integrated into combat.


The voice acting in this game is superb, the two standing out to me being Batman and The Joker. They are both played by the voice actors from Batman the animated series and they do a fantastic job here. The plot of the game consists of The Joker taking over Arkham Asylum and releasing all the criminals held captive.


Where this game truly excels is atmosphere. Arkham Asylum is an eerie and at times horrific setting. It feels almost like a horror game at times, a place far from the civilized world we live in and a place full of some of the most devious and outright cruel human beings on the planet. This is exemplified by the Scarecrow segments where both yours and Batman view on reality is twisted as the Scarecrow uses Batman’s greatest fears against him.


This was the Batman game we were waiting for. While it’s not perfect, the boss fights being particularly disappointing as most consist of tricking someone into running into a wall and an anti-climactic ending this still excels at almost everything else and is definitely worth your time.


8. Frogger

This isn’t just the classic Frogger this is a version of Frogger I played on a computer as a young child. The disc I had just said Frogger although I have seen the game called Frogger He’s Back. It seems fitting for me that there’s a game on this list that no one has ever heard  of or played and whenevr I mention it they think I’m talking about the arcade game.


The game kept similar gameplay to the classic version of Frogger and did use five retro levels with Frogger crossing first a road and then a river but Frogger visited many creative locations from sewer levels to levels inside machinery to a level in a garden full of lawn mowers that tear you to shreds. The objective was to search the levels for the five different colored frogs hidden around the levels without being killed by the various obstacles and hazards.


 This game was hard. Some of the levels in this game were ridiculously frustrating, anyone who played the level Big Boulder Alley will sympathize completely. Sometimes this game feels unfairly hard it is occasionally down to luck whether the obstacles will align in such a way that you can evade them. Or maybe I just wasn’t very good. Either way it feels immensely satisfying every time you complete a level. Each level has a creative layout with different challenges to overcome. The game while looking slightly dated does still look great, using bright colours to create lively and interesting levels that were a joy to explore.  Even the repeated levels don’t just feel like cheap re hashes as they are usually significantly harder than their previous version as well as the hazards and obstacles being moved into different places.


It’s hard to describe why I like this game so much. Perhaps childhood nostalgia plays its part but for a nostalgic colourful game with a fair helping of challenge it doesn’t get much better than this.


7. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

So we move on to a game which is on just about every top 10 games list ever made. This is for good reason. This game is a stunning example of what video games can be, a true high point in the History of video games.


This isn’t just any action adventure. This is the good vs evil plot, the one where the hero must overcome all odds to save the world and it is done to perfection. We not only witness Links coming of age in this game, but it feels like we are link and we are the one undergoing this epic journey. As you traverse a wealth of environments and come across loads of interesting and diverse characters we feel like we’re on the great adventure we always dreamed of as children. At first playing as young link is like a game. While it is dangerous it’s more like a child exploring and finding new things rather than setting you out on an incredibly important journey. Of course all of us who have played the game know that we’re just being prepared for the true dangers that lie ahead.


The first time we properly encounter Ganondorf when he is chasing Princess Zelda he is truly menacing. We are fully aware from just a few lines and an evil stare that we are looking at the most evil and powerful man in the whole of Hyrule. But he’s not all brawn, he tricks link into unlocking the sacred realm and not only does he take the triforce of power for himself but in seven long years he take complete control of Hyrule. When you awaken as adult Link and you see the despair Ganondorf has bought to the market district just outside you realize how high the stakes have become.


The game has classic Zelda gameplay. You crawl though dungeons, solving puzzles to advance acquiring new items as you go and fight off a variety of monsters as well as fighting some of gaming’s best and most intense bosses. This is a large game, littered with secrets, most of which you could very easily miss. It’ll make you want to explore every inch of Hyrule to discover what secrets are hidden within.


I haven’t even scratched the surface of what this game can offer. Each dungeon is different to the last with its own different story, every character you meet has a distinct personality and when you play this game you truly are on a great adventure, carving out a new legend as you go, the legend of Zelda.


6. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

How do you conclude a saga? This is how. Solid Snakes final mission for me sticks out as the most memorable he has ever been on. Are you ready for an adventure full of twists and turns that will right Snake into gaming folklore forever?


How can a game that is literally about half cut scenes be on a top 10 games list? Seeing this story come to a close was completely worth the large quantity of cut scenes. Despite this though the gameplay here is better than ever. What’s great about this game is it gives you the choice of how you want to play. You can use the new Drebin points to construct a powerful arsenal and take on the game in a flurry of bullets and explosives. Or you can stick to a more traditional metal gear solid method and stealth your way through the game with your trusty pistol. The strange yet superb bosses return with a host of new villains as well as some retuning favorites. With snake aging now and old man and every boss physically superior to him (Ignoring the supernatural elements many possess) like always you’ll have to use your brain to defeat these powerhouses.


I could not possibly sum up the plot of metal gear solid 4 in a blog post. The plot is as complex as ever and you’ll need to have played the other games to have a clue about what’s going on. Even though it leaves just enough up to interpretation but simultaneously tying up all the loose ends. Each character in Metal Gear Solid has their own motivations and goals, it makes each character not only interesting but believable. It makes them very human which is the message behind the series, that there is no right or wrong, only people fighting for what they believe in. Guns of the Patriots epitomizes this to the fullest.


Despite its serious tone it still refuses to be like anyone else with it’s at times silly dialogue and fourth wall jokes. Being unique and unlike anything else is certainly a draw to this series and the fourth installment does it better than ever. This game is full of memorable moments. From the bike chase with EVA to the return to Shadow Moses Island this game is the perfect end to a fantastic series.


Since this is already getting long I will post part 2 in a few days.

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