Thursday 12 March 2015

Top 5 Favourite Animated Films

Top 5 Favourite Animated Films

Animated films are a splendid form of entertainment. While often branded as children’s films, the more sophisticated can appreciate them as good film. A large number of animated films are targeted at those horrible childlike creatures known as children but there are plenty out there aimed at all ages or even solely adults. Of course some animated films use being animated as an excuse for a lack of creativity but some films are full to the brim with interesting characters and creative influence. These are my personal top 5 animated films.


Number 5. The Jungle Book

Whenever I make a top 5 or 10 list I always myself putting something on there that is really nostalgic. Here is no exception. My young self watched a video of The Jungle Book to a point where it stopped working. However despite the fact that it delights my inner child there are good reasons to enjoy The Jungle Books.


The thing that stands out most in the film is the villain, Sheere Khan. Like a majority of Disney villains his motivations weren’t exactly complex. Kill the man cub … that’s basically it. What stands out is his sophistication and presence. I love how he walks around with such a swagger. He is kind of like Scar from the Lion King except he doesn’t go all whiney. Instead he is always sophisticated and always intimidating. The snake Kaa is also an interesting villain, instead being slightly more comedic in his attempts to eat Mowglli.


I also thought Baloo the bear was an enjoyable character. He wasn’t as developed as he could be but he was a lot of fun to be around and I enjoyed how loyal and caring he was. On top of this the songs are catchy, it has some funny moments and the ending is quite fitting and heart-warming.


Okay this probably isn’t Disneys strongest film but I certainly enjoy it. It hasn’t aged as well as the other films on this list but if you’re just looking for a colourful and pleasant adventure with a really cool villain then this film is definitely worth a watch.


Number 4. Up

I didn’t cry when I watched Up. I thought I should put that out there. I didn’t cry at the start when the wife dies but I can still acknowledge how powerful the opening is. Through very little dialogue but instead gestures and actions we see a couples life, both the highs and the lows and it’s wonderful to see.


I expected it all to go downhill from there but the rest of the film was still very entertaining. I enjoyed the friendship between Mr. Fredrickson and Russel, I thought the dog was really funny and even the side villains in the other dogs were funny in just how absurd they were. But what really hits home with this film is the drama and emotional moments. The main protagonists were relatable and enjoyable and I really felt for them through their endeavours. This made it extremely satisfying seeing their progression and when they do the right thing at the end. Equally it made it satisfying to see them happy and enjoying life as well as Mr. Fredrickson moving on from his wife’s death.


The only issue I have with the film really is that the archaeologist guy is a bit bland. He’s just a typical greedy man who wants to complete his life’s work and while the dogs were just his minions seeing them flying planes or the sped up voice box was actually funny. But to be honest if the only negative I can find is one character who isn’t really the focus of the movie then it must have done something right. The important areas of the film as in the two main protagonists are interesting and identifiable and the film all around is just a heart-warming and joyous experience. That’s good enough for me.


Number 3. Toy Story 3

It was tough choosing which Toy story film should go on this list because I really enjoy them all. I almost feel like this is the wring pick too for the simple reason that I find the ending where Andy gives away his toys to be as cheesy as a huge block of mature Cheddar. I know we got nostalgic but to a point to be going to College and talking about these toys like they’re individual people? Come on movie, that’s stupid.


I can’t ignore the rest of the film however. What I love most about Toy Story is each film has an interesting dilemma where there isn’t really any right or wrong, or at least you can understand the characters actions. Toy Story 3 is no exception, I can understand perfectly why each toy does what it does. However it never takes its self too seriously all the time. The light hearted moments are light hearted and funny but what stands out in this film is the darker places it goes.


The films pushed more what it could get away with and I though for the most part it succeeded. It has the most intense moments of any of the trilogy and them breaking out of the day care centre was action packed and quite suspenseful. But you don’t lose out on the interesting and relatable characters from the older films. They’re just in a new situation and honestly it’s where I wanted them to go with how they react to Andy going to college.


So the ending sucks. It cheesy and corny and so overdone, I was sniggering throughout at it. The rest of the film however stands up really well. It looks great, the characters are memorable and overall it’s a great watch.


Number 2. Kung Fu Panda 2

Kung Fu Panda is the most ridiculous name for a film and I thought it would be terrible. To my surprise the first film was a highly enjoyable full of character and fun humour. But surely the sequel would be bad? AS it turns out, it was even better.



Kung Fu Panda is the ultimate don’t judge a book by its cover story. Kung Fu Panda 2 steps everything up to the next level. Let’s start with our main character Po. He thankfully is a badass at the start of the film in Kung Fu but most importantly we learn more about him and he faces new challenges but still retains his fun and enjoyable aspects of his personality. He can be childish, but he’s endearing for it as he’s always trying to do the right thing and protect those closest to him.


I particularly enjoyed the relationship between Po and Tigress in this film. It was refreshing that it wasn’t an unnecessary romantic relationship, rather we got to see their friendship strengthen. They are very different and watching them bounce off each other was very enjoyable as well as the powerful scenes when they want what’s best for each other.


All the characters are strong, even the ones that aren’t in the film much are very distinct and memorable. Po’s relationship with his adoptive Father is good to see as there’s clearly a respect and huge amount of care there. Po is such a developed character, especially in this film. His backstory is tragic but hopeful, he is such an enjoyable character to watch but he can also kick ass when things go down. The dramatic moments in this film I thought were highly effective, Po’s struggle was interesting but also emotional to watch. What’s so great about Po is that he’s like having us in this intense world of Kung Fu.


The villain was far better in this film than the first one. The Peacock has his comedic moments and intense moments but I found watching him go crazy was more enjoyable than Tai Lung from the first film who was a basic revenge hunting villain. The Peacock pushed Po to his limits and posed new challenges he’d never seen before.


Finally I want to mention that Kung Fu Panda films look superb. The animation style is beautiful, it really gets across the Chinese feel they are looking for. China looks great and unique and the characters themselves are all animated fantastically well.


I could say so much more but I’ll finish by saying this is a brilliant film and without doubt worth watching if you haven’t already. If I’d written this list a few months ago it’d be top but I re watched a film that just surpasses it.


Number 1. Shrek 2

In my opinion not just one of the best animated films ever but one of the best films period. I’m not really a fan of flat out comedy films but this one changes my mind completely. Shrek 2 is a masterpiece and I will now explain why.


Let’s get this out of the way, the film is hilarious. I laughed out loud multiple times during the films but what was best about the comedy was it does have its simple humour but it also has some really intelligent comedy.  So many times though out the film they have a simple scene that not really much needs to happen for the film to progress but they do something really funny with it. A great example is when the Kings men come to the swamp to invite Shrek and Fiona to Far Far Away. That guy goes off on a trumpet solo and it’s really funny.


I love the satire of fairy tales going on here, especially the villains of the film who do a great job of having distinguishable personalities and being funny as well as also being diabolical and scheming. I’m not one for soppy romance but Shrek and Fiona’s relationship is so well done in this film I can’t help but mention it. It’s great because while slightly strange, it’s believable and actually enjoyable to watch. They genuinely Love each other and want the other to be happy, so they makes sacrifices to make it work. I actually want them to stay together unlike most boring romance films where I just don’t care.


The other characters are also memorable, in particular Donkey who is a lot funnier in this film and Puss in Boots was a great addition to the cast as a satire of Zoro. The story is not overly complex but is enjoyable and interesting. My favourite part about it is seeing the characters grow and seeing what they will do for their loved ones, both from the heroes and even villains. Seeing character relationships grow and evolve is great because the characters are so well written and despite being in a fairy tale, human. They have their flaws but this makes them more human and relatable. Sure they can act greedy or selfish but this is never because they are bad people with our heroes and thus they are never unlikable. This means the dramatic moments are intensified and the happy moments more touching as a result.


The set ups were clever, the characters memorable with Puss in Boots being perhaps the best thing that could’ve happened for the franchise. The jokes consistently made me laugh and the story is unique and heart-warming with a touching and fitting ending. Shrek 2 is without doubt my favourite animated film.

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