Tuesday 21 July 2015

The issue with the July 2015 Yu-Gi-Oh ban list

The issue with the July 2015 Yu-Gi-Oh ban list

So after waiting for a long and dumb time period Konami decided to release a ban list for us TCG players and some things really stuck out at me. Most will say the top decks will remain the top decks but that’s to be expected until new things come out and make us all search for side deck cards but what struck out at me was how older decks are still not restored at all.


I’m not a pro player or even a good one. I don’t get to go to tournaments much due to not being able to get to them so my two decks I own are Inzektors and D.E.S frog OTK.  So while I can’t really comment on the current meta I would like to ask why Konami is so hesitant at bringing old cards back.


Looking at banned cards the one that obviously sticks out is tribe infecting virus because honestly … it kind of sucks now.It’s like lightening vortex but doesn’t even necessarily wipe the field of face up monsters … and takes up your normal summon. It’s ban worthy though, must by that gargantuan 1600 attack. Sarcasm aside, that card isn’t very good, if you can tell me what deck would use it then please do. Zenmaity is the other one, are we really afraid of Wind-Ups ruling the game in 2015? I’d hope not. There are other banned cards that COULD be revived, Sangan, Stratos, Thousand Eyes Restrict, Cyber Stein and Dark magician of Chaos but I can see why they’re in the banned section of the list. It’s the limits that are odder.


I am going to list some cards that are limited, I’m sure at least some of these anyone who reads this will agree have no business being there. Debris Dragon, Deep Sea Diva, Inzektor Hornet, Neo Spacian Grand Mole, Rescue Rabbit, Wind Up Magician, Book of Moon, Gold Sarcophagus, Royal Tribute, Infernity Barrier, Wall of Revealing Light. Those are all cards we can use 1 of in the game, maybe I’m missing some over powered interactions involving these cards but I’ve also probably missed some who could be at least put to 2 too.


The argument against brining cards back will often be “Well it won’t affect the game anyway” I say however if it won’t affect the game why not bring it back? Why not give players 3 grand moles? Somewhere in the world someone would jump for joy that their neo spacian deck has had a boost. Why not put Inzektor Hornet to 2, a completely random blog writer who lives somewhere in England would be thrilled that the second Inzektor hornet he bought before the ban list wouldn’t be a waste of money.


The point is it wouldn’t make a difference on the meta putting wall of revealing light or infernity barrier at 2, so why not? The reason these cards would be played by people would be because they enjoy using them, no matter if they’re not that good.  Seems like a god enough reason to me but then again I suck at this game and no one ever listens to me when I say ban Exodia.


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