Monday 27 July 2015

Some Overlooked Video Game Badasses

Some Overlooked Video Game Badasses

Video Games are full of badass characters as we go on our very own power fantasy. However while you’d probably think of the likes of Commander Shepard or Lara Croft as they go and do video game world saving things some badass characters slip by unnoticed. I bring four to your attention today.


Rambi – Donkey Kong Country Series

I’ve recently been re playing the original Donkey Kong Country and 2 things really stuck out at me. Firstly, I was better at platformers as a child and secondly Rambi is a god damn badass. Everyone who plays these games likes the animal buddies but there’s a reason that when Donkey Kong country returns was bought out Rambi was the sole survivor. This guy just ploughs straight through everything like it’s not even there and this is a platformer.


It does pose the question of why Donkey Kong doesn’t just send in Rambi to every single boss fight and trample them all put that’s beside the point. This rhinoceros is one badass guy and it is completely understandable why they made a Sylvester Stallone film later taking inspiration from him. If your bananas are ever stolen, this is the guy to call.


Bentley the Turtle – Sly Cooper Series

When there are three main characters and you’re the one labelled as the brains as opposed to the brawn and thief then many would assume you were least badass of the bunch. Here however this is certainly not the case. Bentley is arguably the most important member of the entire gang in terms of contribution to heists. You will often hear people complain about the lack of certain groups of people in gaming such as strong females or homosexuals and both are warranted complaints as both are not exactly represented favourably there is even less representation of disability.


The thing is after Bentley lost his legs he became far more capable in a fight. Before he could weakly swing a crossbow at people, now he can beat you up with his own wheelchair, how awesome is that!? That’s without the plethora of toys fitted to it by the way. By the time Sly 4 came along that wheelchair was fitted with so many amazing gadgets that James Bond was starting to feel jealous. Sly and Murray was awesome too but here the brains really was the badass. 


Every five Nights at Freddy’s Protagonist

Five Nights at Freddy’s is a scary game to play. You sit there unable to move or escape and hope the scary animatronics won’t get bored and decide to play murder with you. It’s very similar to what you may face in a nightmare, constantly tense, scared for your life and unable to move or do anything really proactive about the situation.


That brings us to the player characters. They come back for the entire week, they sit in their chair and do they flinch, do they scream? Nope they stare down Freddy and his chums and even if they’re violently murdered they don’t give Freddy the satisfaction of a scream or even the slightest whimper.


Maybe you’ll claim the games aren’t scary but imagine yourself in the position of the security guards. At least if you were in the place of horror game characters from other game syou could just drive for about 492 miles in the other direction but for whatever reason here the night guards keep coming back. Maybe the FNAF 4 protagonist changes things, I wouldn’t know having not played it yet but the first three are certainly badass in my book … or on my blog.


Shuckle – Pokémon Series

Pokémon is full of fighting machines. Ranging from giant monsters of the sea to dragons to martial artists to what are basically gods there is some serious power on show. There is one creature in this world who doesn’t care as it can overpower all of them. This majestic creature is the one and only Shuckle.


Look at that guy. Soak it all in and the brace yourself as I tell you that of all the Pokémon ever created (Bear in mind most people have lost count) not scary monsters or gods can match the damage output of Shuckle. If the right circumstances are met Shcukle is capable of doing more damage in a single attack than any other Pokémon. Most would take that they have the joint second lowest attack stat as a disadvantage and stick to defence but not Shuckle, it doesn’t even care. Shuckle can obliterate the gods of this world, due to this and what Legendary Pokémon represent it’s possible Shuckle is one of the most powerful characters inn video game history. If that’s not badass then I don’t know what is.



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