Wednesday 24 June 2015

Why Do so Many People Hate Call of Duty?

Why Do so Many People Hate Call of Duty?

When you think of the most successful video game franchises what springs to mind. I’d be very surprised is Call of Duty wasn’t up there somewhere. The strange thing about this franchise is it seems to have just as many people who hate it as it does who actually buy them. People blame Call of Duty for stagnating the game industry and promoting a lack of innovation. They say it has one hell of an annoying fan base full of angry 12 year olds and it’s the worst thing ever made ever. I’m going to discuss this today.


I’ll start by saying this, I don’t like Call of Duty. It’s not really my thing, military shooters are not one of my preferred genres especially considering I prefer to play by myself and leave multiplayer alone. I will happily admit that parts of them are enjoyable, the co-op missions in Modern Warfare 2 were fun to play with friends and some of the Zombie modes were fun for a while to play with those two friends. I find the premises to the stories hilarious for how ridiculous they are and it’s pretence at realism is kind of endearing, like a small child pretending to be an old man. However, I do not own a COD game, I probably never will and I don’t like them a whole lot. I do not HATE them however like many do.


Many gamers point at them as the big casual game that suckers in all the casuals and is making developers want to dumb down their games into Call of Duty clones. The casual gamer argument is an odd one, yes I get that for some gaming is a genuinely hobby and some just play occasionally in their spare time and there is a difference between that. Gamer Entitlement is a dumb issue, acting like people who aren’t as hard core as you shouldn’t be allowed to play games is really dumb, if you think hard core players should be the only people allowed to games then you are quite clearly pretty dumb.


The thing is I’m pretty sure people like this are a minority so I’ll discuss the second point. The stream of games who try to be Call of Duty is very annoying, we all know of the franchises that once had a unique premise but the developers try to turn them into Call of Duty because it sells lots of copies. The thing is though, Call of Duty isn’t to blame for this, COD set its ground work to sell well and form its fan base. Other companies should take the blame for trying to copy Call of Duty, not Call of Duty itself.


The fan base full of angry 12 year olds is definitely worth mentioning. Yes they’re annoying but also very easily ignored and more importantly are really funny. I have a friend who once convinced an entire match of random people that if they could copy his actions on the map exactly they would unlock a hidden emblem. He lead them on a ridiculous little tour and at one point was walking along a thin pipe. One angry 12 year old fell off the pipe and they all started panicking for me and my friend to enjoy laughing at their idiocy and they cried about having no hidden emblem. Yes they’re annoying but at least you can laugh at them.


Most importantly I think in the argument for the hate of Call of Duty is how they basically bring out the same game every year. The type of game it’s equated to is the like of FIFA and Maden, bro games that just release some updated team rosters and refined gameplay each year. The thing is I’m a football fan and FIFA is a great game for me. I imagine if you like that sort of thing Call of Duty is the same. There’s no denying that Call of Duty works incredibly well, the controls are good, the graphics look good, as a FPS it works extremely well. If you want a multiplayer FPS then really I can see why you’d buy it every year.


All these points are all well and good but there’s one more reason I don’t hate Call of Duty … lads of other people do and a strange part of my strange and warped mind likes that I disagree. Whatever you think on gaming’s biggest franchise leave a comment, like the Facebook page and enjoy playing what you like. I’m going to stop typing now, all this COD talk is boring me, I’m going for a game on Battlefield. 

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