Tuesday 16 June 2015

The Dark Origins of Everyone's Favourite Fairy Tales

The Dark Origins of Everyone’s Favourite Fairy Tales

Doesn’t everyone love Disney? Those classic fairy tale stories bought to life in beautiful animation with a level of charm and overall pleasantness about them. However many of these stories have origins that wouldn’t be quite as charming to us all. I’m going to take a look at some today and afterwards you won’t quite be able to look at your favourite Disney Princesses in the same way again.



We all know this classic story. Cinderella is deprived of any freedom by her Step Mother and Step Sisters and treated as a slave. With the help of her fairy Godmother she goes to a ball where a prince falls in love with her. As the clock strikes midnight she is forced to leave and losses her glass slipper. The Prince searches the Kingdom for the girl who can fit the slipper and they all live happily ever after. The original version is similar for the most part, it doesn’t change until the Prince arrives with the Slipper at the house with Cinderella and her step sisters.


The step sisters are obsessed with getting their foot into the slipper. The first one tried but cannot get her big toe into the slipper. The step mother handed the women a knife and told her to cut off her big toe as once she was a princess she would no longer need to walk. Yep isn’t that lovely? What’s better is it works. The prince goes away with the step sister but soon noticed a trail of blood coming from her foot. He brings her back and the second sister has a go. Her heel however cannot fit so the step mother hands her the knife and says the same thing. She is also noticed to be leaving a trail of blood and he comes back and Cinderella puts on the shoe. So yeah chopping off parts of a foot and you know what, this is by far the least strange story I’m going to talk about.


The Pied Piper

This story is pretty disturbing already and I imagine a few of you already know it but it’s definitely worth a mention. When the town is invested with rats the people offer lots of money for the Pied Piper to lead all the rats away, when he does however the town folk refuse to pay up so the Pied Piper leads all the towns’ children away.


Where are the children taken exactly? More modern renditions say the children were taken to a cave  and the townsfolk agree to pay to have the children back which is already pretty creepy. Older versions however state that the Pied Piper took all the children to a river. I’m sure you can see where this is going, the Pied Piper drowned an entire town’s population of children. All except for one, a lane boy who couldn’t keep up with the rest of the children. Someone needs to explain to me who thought telling this as a children’s story was ever a good idea.


Sleeping Beauty.

Sleeping Beauty is a really boring story, let’s be honest. It’s the most generic prince rescues princess and they fall in love story you’ll ever find. Well originally it had what we’ll call a unique twist. The story begins in the same way, Sleeping Beauty pricks her finger on a spinning wheel on her fifteenth birthday and is sent to sleep by the evil Maleficent. The Prince eventually comes across her sleeping body but doesn’t kiss her to wake her up like what you know. Here things become completely bizarre.


The Prince for some reason still falls in love with this sleeping princess, however he doesn’t wake her up by kissing her, he’s not even the one who wakes her up. He becomes so in love with this sleeping body he decides to … have his way with it. You read that right, the prince undertakes in what is basically necrophilia. Sleeping Beauty becomes pregnant and nine months later gives birth to twins still without waking up. When the twins are attempting to breast feed one of them not knowing what it needs to do with the mother still asleep suckles on her finger dislodging the splinter from the spinning wheel waking Sleeping Beauty. Glad that didn’t happen in the Disney version?


Beauty and the Beast.

This one is really weird as the parts cut off the original story seem so out of place. Belle used to have 2 older sisters and her Father was a merchant. One day her Father was going away and asked what they would like to have bought back from his trip. The sisters asked for expensive gifts of a necklace and earrings while Belle said nothing. However she was eventually convinced by her Father to ask for something she says she wants 3 roses on a single stem. He finds the first two gifts with ease but struggles to find the roses until he stumbles across them in a garden. He takes them but runs into the monstrous beast who agrees to let him go if he gives up his daughter to be his wife in a few months’ time.


Belle is sent to the tower to be the Beast’s bride to be. The Beast and Belle do not talk a whole much however they do share a bed. They start off side by side but the Beast leads her with a kiss until it gets to a point where she cannot sleep without him. When she sees him in the courtyard and thinks he’s dead she weeps over his dead body he returns to his normal self. The Beast’s Father had a sorceress transform him into a beast when he would not marry someone he did not love and the spell could only be broken when he was loved as a hideous beast.


It’s a little weird imagining the Beast and Belle sleeping together but this wasn’t exactly strange, especially compared to the other stories. The weird thing however is the story does not end there. Belle brings her Sisters and Father to live with her after she marries the now prince. The two sisters however are insanely jealous of Belle and they drown her in a bathtub. Yep Belle is drowned by her sisters because she was happy. The story does not end there however. The sorceress that turned the prince into a beast brings Belle back to life and tells her the only way to punish the sister sufficiently is to turn the sisters into stone columns. The only way to break this curse and change them back is if a man can fall in love with them as stone columns. I thought I was pretty weird but there’s no way in hell I could make that up.


I don’t think I can quite look at some of those Disney films in the same way again. In the meantime however thanks for reading. Please leave a like on the Facebook page and tell me if there’s any dark fairy tales I didn’t mention.

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