Sunday 9 August 2015

Was Patrick Star secretely a Sociopath?

Was Patrick Star secretly a Sociopath?

SpongeBob Square Pants was a happy childhood show of mine. I was blissfully unaware of what was going on back then and while I missed many adult jokes including a scene of SpongeBob watching sea urchin porn and a joke about prison rape looking back I can laugh at how this stuff was put in such a show. Some things are not a laughing matter however, this thing being the monster that is Patrick.


First things first in the title I used the word sociopath for a reason. The reason I use sociopath is because I think Patrick has antisocial personality disorder which means the person has a long term pattern of manipulating, exploiting or violating the rights of others. Let’s take a closer look at Patrick and prove this accusation.


First things first Patricks’ most defining characteristic is stupidity. Sure there was a time where you could describe it as charming and often it wasn’t particularly destructive. The key thing here is manipulation is clearly mentioned in the definition of antisocial personality disorder. Someone with this disorder would manipulate people into believing they’re harmless and what they’re doing has no malicious intent.


That being said maybe things are more questionable when Patrick becomes malicious, destructive cruel. I’m going to discuss a few examples although it should be noted that I could never possibly go over every example of Patrick’s monstrosities in one blog post. I will talk about what I think are some of the worst however starting with an episode I actually remember disliking for its mean spirited nature as a child, I’m With Stupid. As an adult I like to over analyse everything and look into connotations and implications of everything but as a child I was kind of easily pleased and hence an episode that bugged me back then shows the evil intentions of Patrick.


The episode starts with Patrick preparing for his parents coming over. He’s worried because they think he’s stupid so SpongeBob offers to act stupid to make Patrick look better. This starts off okay but eventually Patrick supposedly forgets (Although could purposefully be ignoring) that SpongeBob is just acting. The levels of verbal abuse thrown at SpongeBob, Patricks supposed best friend aren’t funny and are kind of uncomfortable to watch. SpongeBob eventually snaps and runs away and some strange ending happens where these aren’t Patrick’s real parents. The important thing however is Patrick gets away with all his bullying towards SpongeBob free of any consequence or repercussions.


My next example is another episode I remember from when I was younger, Valentine’s Day. Patrick thinks SpongeBob hasn’t got him a present despite the fact that he gave SpongeBob a broken up rock and the gift is on its way Patrick goes insane and threaten innocent civilians and nearly destroys an amusement park. He threaten random people because he can’t get what he wants. Guess what, at the end he gets his gift and faces no consequences.


There’s one more example that I want to talk about, it’s an episode called Karate Star. As the title suggests Patrick learns karate and becomes an expert as he can karate chop through anything. Naturally he nearly destroys the town but this is not the worst part. He walks over the pram with an infant inside and if he had not been stopped by SpongeBob would have murdered a baby. HE NEARLY MURDERED A BABY! Later on he apparently feels guilty and it’s supposed to be redeemable. I’ll repeat, we’re supposed to accept his redemption AFTER HE NEARLY MURDERED A BABY!


Those are three big examples and believe me there are many more. I know what you’re thinking (Yes I can read minds) you’re thinking that Patrick is just stupid and doesn’t realise what he’s doing. I’d argue that this shows he has no concept of right and wrong and simply does what he pleases out of selfish desires but the argument that he’s really that stupid is just as valid … if it wasn’t for one more episode called the card. In this episode Patrick has a valuable trading card SpongeBob wants. At one point Patrick walks into goo lagoon with the card and SpongeBob lifts up Patrick too keep the card undamaged. Afterwards SpongeBob asks why Patrick walked into the lagoon. Patricks reply says it all, he says SpongeBob you can’t always expect my usual brand of stupidity, I like to mix it up, keep ye on yer toes. He’s fully aware of how stupid he acts, it’s all a ruse.


I think this proof is blatant of Patrick’s intentions, he causes destruction and misery because he wants to. His stupidity has been a façade all along to allow him to get away with his malicious acts. I don’t think there’s any doubt he’s a sociopath. Of course some of you are thinking that I’m taking this kids cartoon too seriously. It’s not like you need to put effort in during a Kids Cartoon right? Wrong, kid’s television can really influence a child, after all children watching SpongeBob can often be at an age where they are innocent and easily influenced. A good morale with characters they can relate to is important as cartoons can be a good way to teach children important lessons in a fun and colourful way. Having a character act selfishly is fine as long as it is portrayed as wrong and they face consequences for what they’re done.


You’ll often hear people say something along the lines of “it’s just a kids show, you don’t really need to try”. Patrick was a loveably stupid character at first but whether it was intentional or not he became a sociopath and he’s now a very evil man … Star. Is this what we should be showing our kinds, the attempted murder of a Baby, I’ll let you make up your own mind on that.


  1. Remember the one when Spongebob and Patrick were shrunk and went into Squidward?
    They were out of fuel and and stuck because of Patrick, and Sandy was trying to figure a way to get them out, and Patrick was the one to figure out a way? More proof!

  2. I've been looking for this for so long! It pains me how evil patrick can act with no consequences at all. Im glad my young nephew figured this out himself, saying he's a bully almost all the time. Why I care so much I dont know, but I want to see Patrick punished and Mrs. Puff vindicated!

  3. I knew that I wants the only on who thought this, I’ve heard a theory that Patrick from Seasons 1-3 was normal, but there would be times where his sociopathic/malicious side would peer out, and after the episode where he fell of a cliff and hit his head(in an attempt to get rid of this malicious side of him) it caused the malicious/sociopathic side to fully take over and since then he’s been acting dumb to get away with everything he does, you even notice that in seasons 1-3 he acts stupid to make people laugh and be funny, but in seasons 4-13(I think we’re on 13 now, but It could be 12) he acts stupid to get away with things he otherwise wouldn’t be able to, this also plays into the fact the Patrick is actually just as smart, if not smarter than Sandy and Plankton, but to be more approachable and seem friendlier he acts dumb, combine that with him possibly being a sociopath and you’ve got the perfect storm, a genius possibly smarter than two of the greatest minds in Bikini Bottom with a sociopathic nature, who has been able to manipulate the people of Bikini Bottom and even his Best Friend since he was a baby into thing that he’s just an idiot so that he can get away with anything he wants to without getting caught. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
